
Redice Implant

We believe implantology must be a discipline Accessible for all dentist.
Products must be Affordable; purchase must be Simple; delivery must be Quick. Knowledge must be reachable; training should be easy; questions should be answered google wise.

Redice Impalnts Stories


Welcome To Redice Implant

This case demonstrates how a single post-extraction edentulous site despite the “open extraction” maneuver of the alveolar structure, thanks to the peculiarities of the Redice implant-prosthetic system concentrated in the characteristics of the Maxifix Compressive monophasic implant, it is possible to proceed and obtain a good result, functional and aesthetic, apply an immediate load even in “compromised” cases.
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We believe our patients are the best judges of dental quality and customer service for our dental practice. Read certified testimonials of what our patients are saying about our doctors and exceptional staff.

Dr. Andrew

“I was recommended dental implants for my lower arch. I also visited another dental group just to make a comparison."

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